Being an effective communicator is a powerful tool. Being an effective communicator goes beyond having a extensive vocabulary. It is having the ability to navigate different communication styles, being mindful of your body language and the words you choose, and even more understanding how you take in and process information.

When Unsure, Ask for Clarification

Most conflicts occur based on a lack of clarity or a simple miscommunication. If ever in doubt, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification. Asking for clarity will prevent frustration and stop a person from filling in details themselves. #TipsToThrive #WorldOfWork #ManpowerMaine #BackToBasics

Avoid Oversharing and Over Asking

It is natural that you will build friendly relationships at work. A true professional is able to set clear and appropriate boundaries for what is acceptable to share and ask in the workplace.   #TipsToThrive #WorldOfWork #ManpowerMaine #BackToBasics

Professional Feedback Is Not Personal

To experience long-term career success you must embrace a culture of continuous improvement. Feedback is used as a tool to help you excel in your work. When on the receiving end of performance feedback be mindful that it is not personal.  #TipsToThrive #WorldOfWork #ManpowerMaine #BackToBasics


Save the Colorful Language

Sentence enhancers – especially those of the four-letter variety – are best saved for outside of work. To be recognized as a strong communicator, it is important to hold yourself to a high standard when it comes to the language you use to convey your message.  #TipsToThrive #WorldOfWork #ManpowerMaine #BackToBasics

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