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Author: heidi


Hazard, Injury & Other Workplace Reporting Resources

Ensuring the safety of our Associates is a top priority, and we need your assistance. If you encounter any concerns or issues regarding safety, workplace violence, harassment, or other general workplace matters while on assignment, it is crucial that you report them to us as soon as possible so we can take appropriate action.

Please fill out this form with as much detail as possible. All reports will be reviewed by our Safety Manager and investigated with appropriate follow up action as needed.

Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and secure workplace for everyone!

To speak directly with our Safety Manager please call/text Penny Picard at 1-207-944-5188 or email Penny.Picard@manpower.com.  This form may be completed anonymously, we make all attempts possible to keep information confidential.


Associate Report of Injury

Please complete this form in as much detail as possible so we can best support you.

Associate Information

Client Information

Injury Details

Specific Injury Information

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Digital Signature

I understand that by typing my name below it will be recognized as a digital signature. And by providing the last 4 digits of my social security I am verifying my identity. 
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Tips for Ensuring a Safe Workplace

Ensuring that your workplace is safe is an absolute must for any organization. By doing so, you are not only safeguarding your employees from potential hazards, but also fostering a positive work environment that enhances productivity and reduces the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Here are some practical workplace safety tips to help you improve safety measures in your own workplace.

The tips below are not all inclusive but rather are simple best practices to help you get started.

Establish a Safe Culture in the Workplace

Creating a safe workplace culture is essential for all organizations. The key to achieving this is to build an environment where everyone, from top management to frontline employees, values and prioritizes safety. Encouraging open communication channels, providing regular safety training, and setting clear protocols for reporting potential hazards or accidents are all important steps to take. By making safety a shared responsibility, you can develop a workplace where all employees actively contribute to maintaining a secure and hazard-free environment.

Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Conducting regular risk assessments plays a crucial role in identifying potential hazards and preventing risks effectively. It is important to evaluate all aspects of the workplace, such as equipment, machinery, work processes, and environmental factors. By doing so, you can develop effective strategies to eliminate or reduce potential hazards. Make sure to conduct periodic risk assessments, especially when introducing new equipment or implementing changes to the work environment.

Provide Ongoing Employee Safety Training and Education

To ensure the safety of your employees, it’s important to provide them with proper training. Comprehensive safety training programs should be implemented, covering topics such as emergency procedures, equipment usage, handling hazardous materials, and ergonomic practices. When it comes to safety, avoid a one-and-done approach and offer ongoing training to ensure that employees are up-to-date with the latest safety best practices and regulatory requirements.

Supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal Protective Equipment is a crucial component of workplace safety. Assess the hazards present in the workplace and provide appropriate PPE to employees. Whether it’s safety helmets, goggles, gloves, or protective clothing, ensure that employees have access to the necessary gear and understand how to use it correctly. Regularly inspect and replace worn-out or damaged PPE to maintain its effectiveness. To maintain its effectiveness, conduct regular inspections and replace any worn-out or damaged PPE.

Promote Ergonomic Practices in the Workplace

Ergonomic hazards, such as repetitive strain injuries and musculoskeletal disorders, can significantly impact employee well-being. Educating employees on the importance of proper ergonomic practices, such as maintaining good posture, using ergonomic furniture, and taking regular breaks, can help reduce these risks. It is also a good idea to conduct ergonomic assessments to identify potential hazards and make necessary adjustments to workstations.

Encourage Reporting & Learning from Incidents:

To ensure a safe working environment, it’s vital to create a culture where employees feel comfortable reporting accidents, near-misses, or potential hazards without fear of retaliation. To begin, establish an incident reporting system, then investigate all incidents and near-misses thoroughly, taking appropriate corrective actions. By analyzing incidents, organizations can identify patterns, implement preventative measures, and continuously enhance safety in the workplace.

Workplace safety isn’t just a legal or ethical requirement – it’s also a strategic choice that can benefit both your organization and employees. By cultivating a safety-conscious culture, conducting routine risk assessments, offering relevant training, and enforcing necessary safety precautions consistently, you can establish a secure and productive work environment. Keep in mind, a safe workplace is a thriving workplace.

Looking for Some Support with Your Safety Program?

Manpower has an experienced Safety Manager who can come to your facility to help with risk assessments, training, plant tour to provide a full report of potential risks/hazards. Contact us today to learn more about leveraging our safety expertise for your gain!


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Workplace Safety is a Shared Responsibility

A safe and secure workplace not only protects you from harm but also promotes productivity, job satisfaction, and overall success. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of work, it is crucial that we all reaffirm our commitment to workplace safety.

Adhere to all Safety Guidelines:

Familiarize yourself with the safety protocols and guidelines established by your organization. These guidelines exist to protect you and your colleagues. Make sure you understand them thoroughly and follow them diligently. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your supervisor or the designated safety officer.

Maintain a Clean and Organized Workspace:

A clutter-free and well-organized workspace not only enhances productivity but also reduces the risk of accidents and injuries. Keep your work area clean, properly store equipment, and promptly report any hazards or potential risks to the appropriate authorities.

Report Incidents and Near-Misses:

Reporting incidents and near-misses is crucial for identifying potential hazards and implementing preventative measures. If you witness an accident, unsafe condition, or near-miss, report it to your supervisor or the designated reporting channels immediately. Your timely reporting can prevent future incidents and ensure the safety of everyone in the workplace.

Utilize Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

Depending on the nature of your work, you may be required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, goggles, gloves, or masks. It is essential to wear and maintain your PPE properly to safeguard yourself and others. Regularly inspect your equipment, replace damaged items, and store them in designated areas when not in use.

Stay Informed About Safe Work Practices:

Stay up-to-date with the latest safety practices and procedures by attending all safety training sessions that are offered to you. Take advantage of those opportunities to enhance your understanding of safety protocols and share your knowledge with colleagues.

By adhering to safety guidelines, maintaining a clean workspace, promptly reporting incidents, utilizing personal protective equipment, and fostering a culture of safety, we can ensure a secure and productive work environment. Remember, safety is not an individual effort but a collective endeavor that benefits us all. Let’s work together to prioritize workplace safety and create a safer future for everyone.

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Making the Transition from Student to Staff

Congratulations Graduates!

Decorative ImageGraduation is the start of a new chapter; it marks the beginning of a new phase of life. It is a time of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness as young adults enter the workforce and start their careers. Transitioning from student to staff can be challenging, but it also presents opportunities for growth and development. With hard work and determination, new graduates can achieve success and make a positive impact in their chosen field.

Making the transition from being a student to a staff member can be a challenging experience. Here are some simple tips that can help you make a successful transition:

Network with colleagues

Building relationships with your colleagues can help you feel more comfortable in your new role. Take the time to get to know people in your department and attend social events to build your network.

Ask for feedback

When you’re new to a job, it’s important to seek feedback to help you improve. Don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor or colleagues for constructive criticism and use that feedback to make adjustments as needed.

Learn about the company culture

Every workplace has its own unique culture, so take the time to learn about the norms and values of your new organization. This can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your role.

Set realistic goals

As you begin your new role, it’s important to set realistic goals for yourself. Take the time to assess what you want to achieve in the short and long-term, and work with your supervisor to develop a plan to achieve those goals.

Take care of yourself

Starting a new job can be stressful, so it’s important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and taking breaks throughout the day to recharge. Additionally, consider finding a mentor or joining a support group to help you navigate the challenges of your new role.

How Manpower can help

Decorative imageAt Manpower, we understand that transitioning from student to staff can be a daunting experience. That’s why we offer a range of services to support you in this journey. Here are some ways in which we can help:

Career advice

We can provide guidance on career paths that align with your skills, interests, and goals. Our team of experts can help you explore different industries and job roles and assist you in creating a career plan that works for you.

Job search support

We have access to a wide network of employers and job opportunities. We can help you refine your job search, prepare your resume and cover letter, and provide interview coaching and feedback. Most importantly we will connect you directly with employers who will be a good match for you.

Onboarding and support

Once you’ve secured a job, we will assist you with the onboarding process and provide ongoing support as you settle into your new role. We’ll be there to answer any questions you have and offer advice on how to succeed in your position.

Ongoing learning

We offer our associates a range of training and development programs to help you acquire new skills and knowledge. Whether you’re looking to upskill in your current field or transition into a new one, we have resources to support you.

At Manpower, our goal is to help you achieve your career aspirations and make a successful transition from student to staff. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can support you in this journey.




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Dialing Down Workplace Stress

Guess what? Even your dream job is going to have its fair share of stress. It’s an unavoidable reality.  Whether it is the pressure of deadlines, an upcoming performance review, a gaggle of loud customers, process/technology changes, or an annoying co-worker – stress will be part of the job. Not all stress is bad, a little stress can propel your performance. The long-term effects of stress and the anxiety that comes along with it can have a negative impact on your overall health and well-being. 

Since you cannot realistically eliminate workplace stress, your next best step is to finding ways to dial it down! Here are a few tried and true tips in honor of April being National Stress Awareness Month to help you do just that. 

Fuel Your Body 

Our stress buttons are bigger and brighter when we are not getting our basic needs met. This means it isn’t surprising that your body and nervous system are going to be on high alert if it isn’t nourished. The first thing you can do to mitigate stress is to keep your body fueled through good nutrition, exercise, and sleep. So, get that blood moving, curb those hunger pains, and snuggle into a warm blanket to turn down that inner volume.  

Get Yourself Organized 

Another strategy to turn down your internal sirens is by leaning into your executive functioning skills. These are core mental skills that will help to keep you focused and moving in the right direction. So, grab a calendar, pad of paper, tablet, or some sticky-notes and make a plan. Make a list of what is stressing you out and make a list of what you need to get done. How are you spending your time? Can you adjust it to better serve your current situation? Keep your workspace organized and be sure you have ease of access to the tools you need to get the job done.  

Limit Unnecessary Distractions 

Perhaps some of your stress is being magnified by the noise of unnecessary distractions. This includes getting yourself caught up in workplace drama, watercooler gossip, or the rabbit hole that is social media. By limiting your exposure to unnecessary distractions, you are not letting that negative energy influence your mood and increase your stress level. So, give yourself permission to take a break from toxic people and social media.  

Practice Regular Selfcare 

Days are long, but life is short. Make yourself a priority. As adults we often lose ourselves in a sea of responsibilities. It is critical to your overall wellness to practice regular selfcare. What is selfcare? That is entirely based on individual preference. What makes you feel whole? What feeds your soul? Make time for yourself, whatever it is.  

Seek Professional Support 

Look, life is hard. Sometimes, despite your best efforts to mitigate, manage, or reduce stress you fall short of doing so. Many health issues can be attributed to sustained stress and anxiety and the best possible thing you can do is access professional support. Seeking guidance is a sign of strength and is an incredible opportunity to build yourself a toolbox filled with a full range of tools to help you deal with the many stressors that affect your life. You can find several resources here if you need: https://211maine.org/mental-health/ 

Remember, stress is a normal part of life and there are many simple things you can do starting right now to minimize its negative impact on your daily life. Focus on what you can control and develop strategies to drown out the noise of the stuff you can’t. 


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Got Lunch
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Easy Workday Lunch Ideas

Got LunchGot lunch?

Whether your mid-day meal is at noon or 3am, you may struggle coming up with quick and easy workday lunch ideas. So, this could leave you dealing with eating the same thing every day, a rumbling belly, a quick stop at a convenience store, or scrounging for change for that coveted turkey sandwich in the breakroom vending machine. With a little planning and creativity you can have more control over what you eat to fuel you through the workday.

Small choices can make a big impact on your wallet, health, and the planet! According to Visa, the average American spends over $2,700/year on lunches, around $50 a week, wouldn’t you like to see that in your bank account instead? Packing your lunch gives you more control over what kind of food you’re eating, so you are less likely to eat something unhealthy or overeat. It can also help reduce waste, since around half of all litter is produced from fast food garbage!

Whether you are trying to save money, eat healthier, or do your part to reduce waste, here are a few ideas for easy workday lunches!

Heat It and Eat It:

  • Leftovers: instead of letting your leftovers turn into a science projects in the back of your fridge, grab some reusable lunch size containers and portion them out for a quick grab and go lunch.
  • Omelette in a Cup: spray a microwave safe cup with some cooking spray, add an egg or two, and some toppings of choice (cheese, ham, peppers, onions, salsa – the options are endless), stir it up, and microwave in 30 second intervals, stirring each time until cooked.
  • Soups & Stews: keep an eye out for sales at your local grocery store and stock up on some of your favorite soups or stews. Keeping a couple cans at work or in your travel bag can be a budget saver when you are too busy to pack a lunch.


Mason Jar LunchLunch Fit for a Cooler:

  • Chicken Salad or Caesar Wraps: prepare the salad base of your choosing (tip: bagged salads make life so easy and are often on sale), cut up some grilled chicken, and roll it all up into a tortilla for healthy and delicious meal.
  • Tuna, Chicken, Ham, or Turkey Salad: whether you opt for canned or chopped meat you can easily make a protein packed salad with some mayonnaise, mustard, dressing, some diced veggies (celery, onions, pickles, olives, craisins), and some salt & pepper. Grab your favorite bread, or throw it on top of a bed of lettuce. Yum!
  • Peanut Butter & Jelly: reminisce about your childhood with the classic peanut butter & jelly (or fluff) sandwich. Make a whole flashback meal with some fruit snacks, graham crackers, and a pudding cup. Make your mother happy and be sure to grab an apple or orange for good measure.



Weekly Meal Prep Lunches:

  • Charcuterie Snackle-Boxes: head to your local dollar store grab a few clear boxes with built in compartments (like flat tackle boxes or craft boxes) pre-fill compartments with an assortment of cheeses, meats, fruit, nuts, veggies, berries, and condiments. Grab and go daily for quick, easy, and delicious sustenance.
  • Mason Jar Salads: since they are airtight by design mason jars are perfect for weekly salad prep. Mix it up and try different dressings and ingredients but be sure to add your items in this specific order to preserve freshness: dressing at the bottom, then add ingredients by weight, protein, cheeses, nuts, veggies, greens.
  • Rice Bowls: if you need variety to your daily lunches start with a base of rice & chicken, and then jazz your daily meal up using different sauces and veggies for each day. You can add beans, salsa, cheese for a nice Mexican meal. Add cucumbers, olives, tomatoes, and tzatziki to get that greek flavor (tip: grab a pita and hummus for the side). Teriyaki sauce, broccoli, cabbage, ginger, and shredded carrots to cure that craving for chinese take out.

Whatever you decide to pack for lunch, brown-bagging it will be good for your bank account, health, and the planet.

Bon Appetit.

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National Random Acts of Kindness Day

Chances are you have experienced both the acts of giving and receiving kindness. If you have, you know the feeling that comes with it. That feeling is palpable. It adds an extra pep in the step of both involved parties. Life can be tough. It can be filled with challenges. And that is why it is up to each and every person to do what they can, where they are, and with what they have to brighten up the day of those around them. This Friday is an opportunity to be extra mindful of the importance of just that.

“Kindness is doing what you can, where you are, with what you have.” -Unknown

National Random Acts of Kindness Day is celebrated annually on February 17, and is an opportunity to spread joy and goodwill. This idea was developed to encourage making kindness the norm, in schools, workplaces, and communities. Spreading joy and kindness does not need to be some elaborate activity, in fact the simpler the action the better.

To help you embrace the opportunity here are some ways that you can participate Friday (and every other day) that are simple, effective, and free:

Kindness at home:

  • Make a loved one’s lunch and include a note of encouragement
  • Tell a loved one specifically what you appreciate about them
  • Hide uplifting notes for friends and family to find
  • Offer to do someone else’s chore
  • Participate fully in a loved one’s hobby

Kindness at work:

  • Offer support to a colleague whenever appropriate
  • Celebrate others workplace successes
  • Have a “no complaints” day
  • Leave a note of appreciation for a colleague/boss that has supported you
  • Bring in a treat to share with others

Kindness at school:

  • Encourage others to follow the rules
  • Invite someone to join you at lunch
  • Offer to study with someone who is having a hard time
  • Volunteer to help the teacher clean the classroom
  • Promote a no bullying environment

Kindness to neighbors:

  • Shovel your neighbor’s walkway
  • Bring over a plate of food
  • Share your favorite book with them
  • Organize a neighborhood clean up
  • Donate bottles to a youth group

Kindness in the community:

  • Hold doors open for people
  • Let someone go in front of you in a line
  • Give compliments freely and genuinely
  • Share a smile with anyone you come in to contact with
  • Leave a note of encouragement somewhere for a stranger to find

Kindness in the form of time:

  • Volunteer at a food bank or other local nonprofit organization
  • Visit a nursing home to talk and spend time with residents
  • Read a story to a child or classroom
  • Join a community committee/group
  • Offer to babysit or care for a friend or loved one

Be a patron of kindness:

  • Leave a positive online review for a business
  • Clean up litter in a parking lot
  • Donate items to charity
  • Donate blood or plasma
  • Tell a worker what a good job they are doing

Using your voice for kindness:

  • Speak up for someone being mistreated
  • Be a voice of reason and resolution during a conflict
  • Sign a petition for those in need
  • Be an advocate for a mission that you care about
  • Write a thank you letter to someone that has made an impact in your life

These are just a few of the ways you can spread kindness, so get creative and sprinkle it around like glitter so it sticks to everything!

Happy National Random Acts of Kindness Day!