Handling ChangeChange, it’s the only consistent in this world. While we all know it will inevitably come, more often than not it catches us by surprise and can throw us out of rhythm. A key to successfully handling change in the world of work is to view it as opportunity. When it comes to your career, change is sometimes frequent, it can induce anxiety, and if you’re unable to handle it, it can be detrimental to your overall success.

Changes can come in the form of new places, positions, people, programs, processes, and policies. Those who are able to quickly and effectively identify the opportunities that the changes present will have more confidence, feel more at ease, and experience more success. No matter what the change is, there are steps you can take to make the necessary shift.

Identify the Impact

Every change presents a different level of impact. A change in policies may affect you far less than an office relocation. New technology may change how you complete your work more than a change in who your co-workers are. The bigger the impact on you, the more challenging adjustment can be.  When you are presented with a change, quickly assess the level of impact it will have on you before shifting into panic mode.

Recognize there is a Reason

Change rarely happens just for the sake of it. All changes are intended to serve a positive purpose. While you may never be told exactly why a change is being made, know that there is always a reason behind it. New technology could be used to improve efficiency or to increase capability. A change in leadership could be to get new ideas to help move a company forward. Whatever the reason may be, it is up to you to recognize there is a reason, and to either make the most of it or potentially move on.

Look for the Opportunity

Whenever faced with change, it is natural for us to go into “what if” mode. More often than not, we immediately start thinking about all the things that could (and in our minds, will most certainly) go wrong. It is like a defense mechanism to help us mentally prepare for the worst-case scenario. A degree of healthy skepticism is okay, but the real power lies in purposefully looking for the opportunities.

What does the change offer? Will it teach you to be nimble? Are you learning something new that will be beneficial to your resume? Is it a test of your grit and resilience? Changes may not be easy, they may even challenge you to the core – but every change presents opportunity and it is up to you to identify and seize it.

Embrace and Move Forward

Buying in to organizational change isn’t optional. You can either reject or accept the change. From there you have to embrace your own decision and move forward. Being half-in is not going to do you or the company any favors. If you have decided you are unable to accept and adjust to the changes, it is up to you to plan an exit strategy. If you have made the decision to stay, you need to take the lead on implementing the changes into your work and encouraging others to do the same. Take the time you need to learn about the changes.

At the end of the day, it is your attitude about change that will determine your outcome with it. It is perfectly acceptable to be nervous or uneasy about a change – the unknown is always more stressful than the known and will most often end up being a blessing in disguise. Once you are handling change in the world of work like the pro you are, there is nothing you won’t be able to handle.

If a career change is what you are after, Manpower can help!