Candidates’ preference for technology and their expectations for the job search process are changing rapidly. As employers, this leaves us with two distinct options: we can spend our time reminiscing about the good ol’ days and how it used to be, OR we can focus on how the recruiting process has evolved and do what it takes to get the job done. Which option seems more effective to you?

Technology is pervasive in every aspect of our lives, including hiring. It has set a precedent for immediate action and connection. Where candidates used to go out and look for jobs, now jobs that match their preferences are delivered directly to them using a plethora of platforms from texting to social media. Companies that recognize this, stop arguing with reality, and proactively respond to candidates’ technological preferences will ultimately win the war for talent. Those who don’t… well, let’s just say the future isn’t as promising. 

The NextGen Recruiting Game

For as much as the internet pokes fun at millennials and other younger generations, they sure do seem to be agents of change. They younger generations, including Xennials, Millenials, and GenZ, are taking the world of work by storm and living by the mantra “say no to the status quo.” While we may all agree that perhaps some of their expectations are more than what we can provide at the moment – one place we can easily offer compromise is the recruiting game. 

Embracing Social Media

From Facebook to Pinterest, every social media channel serves as an opportunity to connect with people, and isn’t that what recruiting is all about? If you were standing in line at the supermarket and you overheard someone saying they were looking for a job in your industry – if you were hiring, would you not attempt to inspire them to consider your company? Well, think of social media in the same way. According to Statista, 81% of people have at least one social media profile, and 29% of those using social media use it as their primary source for job searching. 

Each platform has its own unique following, which means you have to be aware of which platform to use for each position, and which message and design scheme will be most appealing to those users. And as a heads-up, just as soon as you think you have it all figured out – it changes. In addition, all of these platforms have developed their own sort of pay-to-play methods. So, especially where business exposure and advertising is concerned, obtaining significant organic reach can sometimes seem to be an impossible fete. 

Go Mobile

As smart phones get smarter and bigger, and data plans more robust and affordable, the time people are spending on their cell phones versus firing up the laptop or desktop is increasing. From Apple watches to Google Glasses, our mobile devices are basically an extension of ourselves. That means websites need to be mobile friendly, mobile responsive online application systems, email messages concise, and yes, it is time to embrace texting and even instant messaging. It is unlikely that the role mobile technology plays in our lives is going to decrease in significance – if anything, it will greatly increase – so the time to jump on board is now. 

Be Aware of Rules & Regulations

As HR professionals, you know better than anyone that there are laws governing how you interact with candidates and employees, and what ‘protected’ information you have access to that could impact a hiring decision. Recruiting is a form of both hiring and marketing with laws that govern how you can interact. Digital recruiting can pose a legal risk. Having a clear and concise policy on social media and technology usage for recruiting, as well as thorough training, is crucial to mitigating that risk. Review your policy with your legal team to ensure your are not violating any laws by obtaining and using information in your hiring decisions that is deemed ‘protected’ by state and federal law. 

Don’t Have Time For All That?

Then you can either continue reminiscing about those good ol’ days we talked about and spin your wheels while your positions remain unfilled, or you can partner with someone who has the time, expertise, energy, and resources to do it for you. The choice is yours, and if you choose the second path – we hope you will consider partnering with the Manpower team.