As a valued Manpower Associate, you know the qualities we are looking for in our associates. You also know what it is like being on assignment. And, chances are you know people looking for work – so why not combine all those things together, refer your friends, and get paid to help us make quality employment matches!

Here’s How It Works:

  • You refer your friends

  • Manpower screens them for employment

  • Manpower works to place them on assignment

  • Once your friend completes 80 hours of work – YOU get paid $150*

How You Can Refer Your Friends:

  • Fill out the form below with contact information of someone you know looking for work
    • Make sure your friend knows you are trying to help and that a Manpower recruiter is going to call them
    • Our recruiting team will reach out and talk with your friend about their options

or you can…

  • Have your friend contact us
    • They can call, email, text, or apply to one of our jobs online
    • Make sure your friend knows that they have to tell us that YOU sent them
    • Our recruiting team will talk with them about their options

See how easy it is to refer your friends?

There is just one more thing to know. In order to qualify for referral bonuses, your friend must complete 40 working hours, and you must still be on assignment with Manpower when they hit the 80 hour mark. Then you will see the additional $150 in your paycheck.

There is no limit to how many people you refer, and how many bonuses you can collect. So why not become a Manpower Brand Ambassador today and start earning some extra cash!